
Showing posts from 2008

`Tis the Season

$5 Hugs

Honestly, I'm willing to listen

Why I Ride

Goodbye, Olive

Shall We Dance?

Flypaper Faith

Finding treasure


Expecting Great Things

Monkey Business

Dang, she's opinionated!

Ghoulies and Ghosties and Long-leggedy Beasties

God-colored glasses

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes..

Today I found a quiet place, closed my eyes, and just started thinking of things that make me favorite things. I've listed a few, in no particular order, as a comment. What are yours?

An Important Point

"We have reached an important point when the end begins to come into view." Gen. William Westmoreland

two squares

Social Diseases


Hitting the Wall

My next car

It's been a lot of years since a car was on the market that really caught my attention, but this one does, in a big way. Everything about the Loremo is sweet, including the sticker price. And 150 mpg!! Projected for the U.S. market by 2010. Make mine fire-engine red. Read the whole story:

Driving Miss Crazy

Journalistic Code of Ethics


I'm trying to get back in the habit of writing every day. Lately, I've been working on character sketches. Some of those will find their way here, in the form of individual comments to this post.

Hearing Voices

Daily Bread

Reinventing The Well

Ménage á Trois


Bev asked me to post some photos of my recent projects. Kind of obvious I'm in to hats this year, isn't it? The photos aren't the best, but they'll do for now. The first is a wool stocking cap I made just for fun. The second combines my three favorite things in knitting: purple, cashmere, and cables. And the last, a blend of wool and cashmere, is based on a traditional tribal design from Mali. When I saw the pattern I just had to make it. It was also great practice in Fair Isle knitting. (thanks to Carrie for being my model.)


The Next Step?